The 4 requirements that cause anxiety based disorders

Essentially there are 4 key requirements that cause most anxiety based issues. Here they are as follows:

An Event

Generally there is always at least one, if not many past events that caused distress for anxiety related issues to become pervasive. The event or events you may have personally experienced first hand, such as being attacked, abused, feeling stuck on an airplane, losing an important job, or losing a close relationship through a divorce or a bereavement etc…

The event can also be something that you experienced second or third hand that caused the trauma. For example, many people who watched the 9/11 Twin Tower attacks on their TV ended up suffering with post-traumatic stress and anxiety issues. Phobias can also occur this way too, as from even watching a scary movie. The Jaws shark movie is a good example, as many people became phobic of going swimming and even of water itself after watching it.

Ultimately a traumatic event can be identified by how it effect’s you when you remember it.  If you feel significantly distressed, or there is still a strong uncomfortable emotional charge around it when you think about it, this would a defined a trauma.



The event has to have some meaning for you to produce a negative emotional reaction. When we perceive that the event is threatening our survival, safety or security this triggers off a powerful distressful emotional response. An obvious example is if we perceived our life was at risk.

As well as threats to our physical well being being, others threats could come from our relationships with family and friends, such as a relationship break up, or losing a loved one. Perceived threats to our career, finances and status in society can also cause trauma.

Meaning is based is on emotional attachment and what we value in life. If anything which we are emotionally attached to is perceived to be under threat, damaged or lost this has the potential to cause us distress.



The landscape of the brain is the third requirement that causes trauma. The landscape is the electrochemical state of your brain at the time of the event. If you are already feeling stressed or have experienced past distressful experiences in your life you can be more prone to becoming traumatised, as your neuro chemical landscape is in a more vulnerable state.

Think of your brain like a car. If it has a lot of mileage on it and wear and tear from stressful life experiences and events it can be more prone to breaking down, especially if it is being pushed it to its limits.

In contrast if your brain is more like a car that has low mileage on it, has been regularly serviced and its good condition maintained, chances of trauma or break down occurring in that brain is lower, as it will be stronger and resilient to withstand life’s stresses and pressures.

Interestingly even one traumatic event from a short term injury, such as falling, to a serious accident can be enough to sensitise the brain to be affected by trauma.



Finally when there is a perception of inescapable stress or feeling trapped, traumatic experiences and anxiety based disorders are highly likely to be produced. Inescapability is often the crucial factor which causes a trauma or not. This also covers feeling trapped in a situation or a life circumstance, such as a job, relationship or anywhere where there is a sense of ongoing stress. It could also be a personal issue or problem that you perceived you can’t escape from too.

Here at Advanced Hypnotherapy Dublin we help hundreds of people every year to become completely free from their anxiety problems within a few sessions or even less. We use the Havening Techniques to achieve these remarkable, fast and effective results.

Havening is a groundbreaking neuro scientifc approach that in my opinion is one of the best and most relaxing treatments in the world today in quickly and effectively removing anxiety based disorders with extraordinary results that can last you a lifetime

See for more information and see our clients testimonials.
